You've undoubtedly read at least a few obituaries in the past. They follow a familiar format: the name of the deceased, details of their passing, stories about their life, a little information about their family, and some pertinent details about memorial or funeral services.
Every once in a while, though, somebody decides to break the mold. Typically written by themselves before their passing, the more creative obituaries -- sometimes humorous, sometimes touching or downright cranky -- strike a chord with us and often with internet readers at large. We love the idea of injecting a little ... ahem ... life into the last words published about us. We've been collecting some of our favorite obituaries of all time, and we'd like to share them with you.
After reading Freddie's hilarious, if not a little (a LOT) boastful obituary, we feel like we knew him. And we liked him. He had a way with women, he appreciated the finer things in life (candy, fishing, Jim Beam), and he clearly had a wicked sense of humor. Read Freddie's whole obituary at the link above. You won't believe how he died ... and neither do we.
Mary "Pink" Mullaney's obituary is a long list of incredible lessons she taught the people who knew her. We learned the right way to walk a dog, which foods to pack in our pockets for church, and what to do with old pantyhose. Our favorite nugget of wisdom? "Put picky-eating children in the box at the bottom of the laundry chute, tell them they are hungry lions in a cage, and feed them veggies through the slats." Pink loved life, and we love Pink.
Walter George Bruhl, Jr. clearly didn’t take life – or death – too seriously. He wrote his own obituary, incorporating phrases such as “his spirit was released from its worn out shell” and “Walt was preceded in death by his tonsils and adenoids.” This is a hilarious, personal statement of a life well-enjoyed, and it ends with an uplifting message.
Short and sweet, Nevena Ann Topic’s obituary shirks all seriousness and gloom. It’s a brief celebration, in which her death is referred to as a call to a really fantastic appointment. Her obituary is an insistence upon celebrating her life, even (especially) at the time of her death.
Like some of our other favorites, this obituary was written by the deceased herself. We can imagine, while reading her words, that Marge was a charming person with a quick wit. But beyond her way with words, what we love about her self-written obituary is the way she used the opportunity to praise the people who touched her life. Obituaries written by others often mention friends and family members, but Marge’s obituary reads like a thoughtful, beautiful thank-you card.
After reading some of these tributes, we’re prepared (even excited!) to try to write our own. How about you?
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Warren J. “Ren” Newcomer, Jr. is a licensed funeral director in the states of Kansas and Ohio. Theresa Newcomer is not a licensed funeral director. Bob Hensley, Director of Operations.